
North Korean defectors are increasing. From the initial ‘political defection’, to the ‘economic defection’, and ‘immigration defect’ is recent fashion. The North Korean fairy tales are stories about children who have escaped from North Korea.BR North Korean defectors who have escaped to North Korea settled in China, third countries, or Korea. The settled North Korean child can not adapt to the society, and becomes a ‘marginal man’. They have not forgotten the culture of the past and have not yet accepted the culture of the present society. At the boundary where they stand, the culture of North Korea and the culture of Korean society collide. The suffering of a North Korean defector children as a marginal man is relatively more severe than that of an adult.BR North Korean defector children suffer from inferiority. They suffer from the trauma of past suffering. Language is the biggest factor that makes a North Korean child experience a culture clashes. Subtle differences between Korean and North Korean languages cause unnecessary conflicts.BR North Korean defector children feel cultural alienation. The reason why the cultural alienation of the defector children should be resolved is clear. A healthy society does not allow internal cultural clashes to separate society itself. Conflicts should be for integration. The defector fairy tales suggest the ways for North Korean defectors to overcome alienation and conflict.BR Defector children in fairy tales escape from alienation through the disappearance of inferiority. The disappearance of inferiority is possible by establishing a relationship with another children. By recognizing and communicating with each other, homogeneity can be obtained. If they sympathize with each other, the inferiority of the North Korean defectors disappears.BR Various cultures coexist in a multicultural society. Cultural clashes occur everywhere. When various problems arising from cultural clashes are overcomed through empathy and communication, society can achieve internal integration. It stands out from the conflict and becomes healthier. This method of resolving conflicts proposed by defector children tales can be equally applied to multicultural families.BR The North Korean fairy tale began as a literary accusation that notifies the misery of the North Korea. But by presenting the method of internal integration, it secured the status of literature of communication and sympathy. After that, North Korean fairy tales will be changed to show how diversity acquired in the process of overcoming the cultural conflict serves as a potential to develop society. This direction is consistent with the direction of our society growth that has already become a multicultural society.

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