
The article provides the comparison of the powers of the court and other public administration authorities in trying cases on administrative offenses. The attitude of some leading researchers who study the issues of administrative law and procedure to the concepts of «procedure» and «process» is demonstrated. The legislative ability to differentiate these concepts in the course of administrative proceedings and the position of the court of cassation in this matter are analysed. It is emphasized that practicing judges are insensitive to the issue of delimitation of rules of procedure and rules of process because of unimportance of delimitation for the fulfilment of tasks of the legal proceedings. It is summarized that the procedure is an integral part of the judicial proceeding, but the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses does not contain the rules of process. It is noted that the dichotomy of the nature of administrative offenses has led to trying administrative cases under the rules of criminal and administrative proceedings, including courts of different jurisdictions. The results of the study provided the grounds for the author to outline the fundamental difference between justice and administrative procedure through the category of equity. The author notes in the conclusions that the scope of authority sufficient to perform the task of proceedings in this category of cases is decisive for the formation of a range of subjects of law among public authorities regardless of the truth of any of the statements about the relationship between the concepts of «administrative process» and «administrative procedure». Accordingly, the issues of reassessment of this task in terms of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as in terms of the criminal nature of some administrative offenses (full compliance with the law or the achievement of equality) require further research. Key words: equality, judicial proceedings, administrative offences, administrative tort relations, public administration authorities.

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