
Background. The Russian and international community is concerned about the growing incidence of measles. This is typical for highly developed and developing countries and has an impact on the epidemic situation in Russia. Purpose of research: to study the main results of the activities carried out by the Rospotrebnadzor administration in the Tver region to improve the state of the environment and protect the population of the Tver region from measles infection. Material and methods. The results of implementation of measures to reduce the impact of risk factors of measles on the health of the population of the Tver region in 2017-2019 were analyzed. Analyzed indicators are: the incidence of measles per 100 thousand population; coverage of preventive vaccinations to prevent the spread of measles among controlled individuals (%); results of serological monitoring of the state of collective immunity against measles in indicator population groups by a passive hemagglutination reaction method with a protective titer of 1:10 or more (absolute number, %); comparative assessment of changes in indicators of the number of measles seronegative persons in indicator groups of the population (%). Results and discussion. A set of measures aimed at preventing the incidence of measles is being implemented in the Tver region. To do this, the population is immunized against measles every year. In 2017 38,881 people were vaccinated, in 2018 – 35,476 and in 2019 – 42,347 people. This led to the fact that in 2017 in the Tver region there were no cases of measles. In 2018 the incidence of measles was 0.23 per 100 thousand population (3 cases) and in 2019 – 0.86 per 100 thousand population (11 cases). All cases of measles were imported from foreign countries and various regions of Russia. The situation in the incidence of measles in the Tver region is much better than in the Russian Federation and the Central Federal District of Russia. This is facilitated by a consistently high vaccination coverage of adults and children. Vaccination coverage of children aged two years in 2019 amounted to 98.2%, at the age of 6 years – 94.4% and adults 18-35 years old – 99.7%. If during seromonitoring an increase in the specific gravity of seronegative persons was detected, then their vaccination was carried out as planned. Conclusion. The implementation on a regular basis by the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Tver region of a set of effective measures aimed at combating measles helps prevent the incidence of measles infection in the population of the Tver region.


  • The Russian and international community is concerned about the growing incidence of measles

  • Analyzed indicators are: the incidence of measles per 100 thousand population; coverage of preventive vaccinations to prevent the spread of measles among controlled individuals (%); results of serological monitoring of the state of collective immunity against measles in indicator population groups by a passive hemagglutination reaction method with a protective titer of 1:10 or more; comparative assessment of changes in indicators of the number of measles seronegative persons in indicator groups of the population (%)

  • A set of measures aimed at preventing the incidence of measles is being implemented in the Tver region

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Актуальность исследования

В течение последних десятилетий большую озабоченность российского и мирового сообщества вызывает рост заболеваемости населения инфекционными болезнями, в том числе корью. По состоянию на середину ноября 2019 года во всем мире было зарегистрировано более 663 000 случаев заболевания корью. По данным ВОЗ, общее число заболевших в 2018 году составляет более чем два миллиона человек. По оценкам экспертов ВОЗ, в 2017 году в мире от кори погибло 110 000 человек. В 2018 году на Украине показатель заболеваемости корью составил 1209,25, Сербии – 579,3, Грузии – 563,8, Албании – 499,6, Израиле – 345,3 случая на 1 млн. Рост заболеваемости корью в Европе по данным ВОЗ является следствием неравномерных охватов вакцинацией населения [9,23,25]. В РФ эпидемиологическая ситуация по кори более благополучная чем в других государствах. Показатель заболеваемости корью в РФ в 2018 году в десятки раз ниже, чем в других странах Европы и составил 17,3 случая на 1 млн. Также важно поддерживать высокий иммунный статус населения в целом, что может быть обеспечено проведением плановой ревакцинации против кори каждые 10 лет [8,9,10,14]

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