
The economy of the use of water resources has vitally an important value for achievement of aims in the area of steady development and other proper aims in social, ecological and economic areas. In the article investigational importance of complex water control, one with the important component of which there is work from громадкісьтю, it the еколого-вихована education and education on questions of maintainance of healthy екосистем and strengthening of welfare of man. The authors of the article separately characterize the features of economy of the use of water resources in the world and to Ukraine, in particular, is the use of, ground and underground surface-water, influence of economic activity of man, on the protected lakes. Superficial water everywhere added the different types of contaminations, examples of important world and domestic regions of водокористування are made. Surplus deflation of underwaters results in destruction of mountain breeds and просідання of surface of cities, which in same queue dangerous for height building and transport infrastructure. Direct influence on a природо-охоронний water fund carries out economic activity of man. An example of working a quarry, which results in overdrying of territory of Ukraine in over 40 thousands of hectare of agricultural and forest lands is made. In a result authors are predisposed to development and ground of new conception from water control in agriculture of Ukraine, where recommend to include the system measures of conduct of agriculture and providing of food safety. In particular, foresee facilities on modernization of the systems of irrigation, to improve collection and storage of rain-water, processing and repeated use of water, measures, on the decline of contamination of water. This article will help to find out fundamental changes in the economy of the use of water resources with an accent on the searches of ways of decision of problem of achievement of general access to the high-quality drinking-water and sanitation.

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