
The main goal of the article is to find out the current state of the company's marketing activities on the international market and to determine the features of international Internet marketing. The paper examines the theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem, reveals the modern environment of international marketing and its structure. The influence of the modern development of the world economy on international marketing activity is analyzed, the nature of the diversification of factors influencing the socio-cultural environment on international marketing activity is outlined. Peculiarities of adaptation of the main forms of international marketing activity to modern market challenges are also studied. The relevance of the chosen topic and the expediency of its development is confirmed by the fact that international business is increasingly faced with new marketing tools, which mostly determine the peculiarities of the functioning of corporations on international markets in the conditions of globalization processes. Therefore, their careful study is necessary, because without knowing their nature, causes and methods of manifestation, it is impossible to develop and implement an effective strategy for the company's internationalization. Theoretical studies of modern scientists confirm that one of the most important factors in strengthening a company's competitiveness is the implementation of effective marketing activities, which, in turn, is influenced by a large number of factors of its own environment, primarily - the development of the world economy. In accordance with the set goal and taking into account the specifics and object of the research, the following methods were used: comparative, system-structural, analysis method, method of analysis of scientific works and others. During the analysis, the author identified the advantages and disadvantages of traditional marketing and Internet marketing, which are relevant in the conditions of the modern market. On the basis of theoretical materials and practical research, the conclusion of the article is made regarding the trends in the development of international Internet marketing.

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