
The article deals with the ontological aspects of the consolidation of social being. As a fundamental reproduction mechanism, there is a phenomenon of meaning. The meaning produces, transmits the practice of connectivity and the unity of co-existence both at the individual and social levels. It is a connection, involvement that continues in the nature, quality, stability of human relations with the outside world. This connection gives the status of reality, the truth of human existence. In its ontological significance, reality as materiality, conformity, is only in experience. Thereby it is revealed that the social and individual being reality is in the space of experience that a human acquires in social interaction. «Significance of experience» forms a connection with reality, which acts as an ontological basis of meaning and grows out of its metaphysical nature. Thus, it fills the meaning itself, makes a true, real human being. The meaning connects, transforms and gives perspective to social relations. It is noted that the basis of meaning is its ontological characteristic, that is, a phenomenon arising from the real life relationships of an individual with the outside world. The nature of the meaning, which is an integral, consolidating, is determined by its transcendence. The meaning is always in the objective world. In other words, human does not choose and does not invent meaning, on the contrary, by selfrealization, it forms its connection with the world – its life meaning. Therefore, human existence requires direction to someone (something) other than herself. This metaphysical connection of being and meaning ensures the connection of human co-existence. So the true life meaning is always outside the human self, and therefore requires unity with other people. This logic reveals the phenomenon of comprehension as an integral being element, its symbolic component. Because of this, the main task of human is to go beyond the limits of their own selfishness, to feel their connection with the surrounding world. In this perspective, the meaning phenomenon is revealed in the space of sacral transformation, the personality birth. The more human overcomes the power of selfishness in themselves, the more he reveals the uniqueness of the surrounding world, the more he improves, realizes himself, acquires understanding of his own personality. In other words, self-realization itself does not foresee a direction. When in the human creativity field there is no orientation towards another human, when he «creatеs» for himself, a human must be prepared to be disappointed. Such «creativity» is empty, unclaimed, since it is devoid of its main content – love, that is, meaning. In other words, self-realization in itself should not and can not be the goal of human life. It is the result of the life meaning realization that is achieved only in the harmonious human connection with the outside world, only in productive relations with others. Therefore, self-realization is only a side effect of the man’s release beyond his own self. Consequently, meaningful life is not concentrated on its own «I», but is connected internally and externally with the lives of others. Moreover, this life is not only connected but it is also integral, since the nature of human relationship with the surrounding reality is a projection of the attitude towards himself. Thus, the analysis of the consolidation mechanisms of human existence, of its integrity, harmony, must focus in the space of the meaning problem. In other words, it is a matter of gaining a real individual experience of unity with the world. It is precisely this perspective of studying problems of integration of social and individual order that allows you to offer tools and ways to solve the issue.

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