
Formulation of the problem. The use of an effective economic management system allows you to create favorable conditions for achieving long-term economic growth at minimal costs. The purpose of the study is to study foreign experience of economic management reform, review the course of administrative reform in the Republic of Uzbekistan and, on the basis of available data, develop recommendations for the national economy. The subject of this research is the development of the management system of the national economy in the context of the transition to full-fledged market relations. Methods of economic research - system analysis, generalization, scientific abstraction, historical and logical method, classification, etc. The hypothesis of the research is that currently the main vector of reforms in Uzbekistan is optimization and increasing the efficiency of the economic management system. The use of market and administrative instruments will improve the quality parameters of economic development, create conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the economy. Presentation of the main material. The main features of the management reform in various countries of the world are revealed, an analysis of the reform of the national economy management system is made, recommendations for the transition to a full-fledged market are substantiated. The originality and practical significance of the study is that it systematizes the main approaches to the reform of economic management, studies the features of management reform in the Republic of Uzbekistan, substantiates recommendations for increasing its efficiency in the period of overcoming the consequences of forced restrictions and for the future. The conclusions of the study are that “market mechanisms” are just one of many necessary tools to achieve the goals of the country's socio-economic development. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly “outline the boundaries” in which areas the state should introduce market relations, in which to regulate activities and in which - to produce or provide services. When developing a new system of economic management, it is necessary to include tasks for both the development of market institutions and administrative procedures. When carrying out the privatization of enterprises engaged in the extraction of minerals and their primary processing, the controlling stake must be retained by the state. The main resource of the country is the accumulated human potential, which requires special attention from the state during the reform process. The new economic management system must be ready to respond promptly to internal and external challenges

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