
The paper examines the dynamics of the individual style of Robert Browning, a famous English poet of the Victorian era. The aim of the research is to determine the features of the structure and trends in the evolution of such content-related parameters in the poet’s individual style as the conceptual sphere and space categorisation. The analysis of a considerable number of the author’s poetic texts, the unification of the research methodology application involving all the material, the use of statistical measures and verification of the statistical significance of the research findings ensured the reliability of the findings. The research is novel in that it is the first to identify the main trends in the evolution of R. Browning’s conceptual sphere and the main oppositions in the author’s worldview; to determine statistically significant indicators reflecting the variability of style parameters, to compile a database for automatic search of metaphors, the concepts that they involve and their lexical representatives according to given parameters. As a result of the analysis, the main trends in the development of the author’s individual style (evolutionary and stabilising), as well as the factors determining these trends have been identified; the data on the scale and vector of changes in the poet’s conceptual sphere and the data allowing the researcher to identify the degree of similarity and difference in Robert Browning’s individual style at different stages of his creative work have been obtained.

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