
The purpose of this thesis is the analysis of the profitability of the banks like Alpha Bank, Eurobank, National Bank of Greece and Piraeus Bank. At the beginning some definitions of financial institutions and a brief analysis of the bank’s balance sheet are presented. The right understanding and interpretation of the bank’s balance sheet is very important because these published data show the movements that have taken place as well as the final result (profit / loss). After that, the results of the balance sheets for the above banks are analyzed. The profitability of the banks is shown diagrammatically and these results are explained according to the movements-investments they have undertaken. The next chapter analyzes the risks posed by banks due to their operation. Banks are taking some risks because of their activity. It is important to understand the nature of the risks in order to reduce them ( it is not possible to eliminate these risks). Afterwards, the operation of the Basel III is described, but first a brief description of the Basel I and II is given, and how these affects the function of the banking institutions. The measures that are being proposed imply some cost for banking institutions. A goal for this thesis is to evaluate if these costs are necessary for the banks. Afterwards, a brief analysis for the macroeconomic environment for the banks is described. Finally the econometric model is presented to examine the relationship between the variables that affect the final result.

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