
The article presents understanding of the cultural memory phenomenon in the context of museum activity. Special attention is given to the mainstreaming of memory in provincial museum activities. Cultural memory is interpreted by the author as «history recreated in memory», appealing not to a specific event of the past, but to his image, formed in the minds of people. The work highlights the key characteristics of the museum as an institute of memory, determining its special role in the process of forming, broadcasting and updating cultural memory: working with genuine sources of information – museum objects; attractiveness and expressiveness of museum objects – the ability to attract the attention of the audience and have emotional impact; special atmosphere that allows the visitor to «plunge into the era» (this is especially characteristic of memorial, environmental museums and exhibitions built on the ensemble principle). The specificity of the provincial museum in the process of updating cultural memory is due to its special functions, primarily the function of identifying the local population. Based on the analysis of empirical material (the practice of the Uglich State Historical Architectural and Art Museum), the levels of memory updating in the activities of the provincial museum were revealed: national, regional and local, as well as forms of updating. Key and at the same time traditional forms of memory updating in the provincial museum are expositions, exhibitions, lectures, local history meetings. New forms of memory updating include educational (interactive) programs and festivals (museum holidays). The author concludes that the issue of the formation and updating of cultural memory by the provincial museum itself remains insufficiently conscious.

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