
Introduction . In Ukraine barley sow on 3-4 million hectare area, where he take second place after winter wheat both for area and gross grain harvest parameters. Barley spring – feed, food and technical crop. For FAO data 42-48% of gross barley grain capacity use in industrial processing, 16% on feed aims, 15% - on food and 6-8% - in brewing. Thereby, quite actual rises a question about creation new and improving existing technology of barley spring growing, which could get high and strong yields of high-quality grain. Analysis of recent researches and publications. In 20 th cen. started an age of agricultural chemicals. Excessive and uncontrolled using agricultural chemicals, amount of genotoxic and mutagen substance, saturation with their dusts cause globalization of ecological, and even climate changes. Especially it touches plant growing, which is become one of the most malicious for human health being because of elevated level of agricultural chemical content in environmental, which put on large areas on farmlands. So further technology growth have to be orientated on moving to wide range of using biological means to elevate harvest. One of modern ways for harvest and quality elevating in plant growing is introducing efficient energy saving technologies with using plant growth stimulators, which contribute good realization of genetic potential and is a rival to GM technologies. Goal of our researches was to dedicate influence and advisability of plant growth stimulators of nature biology origin on cereal productivity of barley spring without using fungicide or insecticide preparates. Research materials and methods. Researches in studying effectivity of using growth stimulators on barley spring yields of brewing sorts Gelios and Comandor conducted on black soil with 4.5% (for Tyurin) level of humus in arable layer in state enterprise “Experimental farm “Nadiya” NAAS of Ukraine, which situated in Romensky district, Sumy region. Soils of the farm rich on nutrients, except phosphor, which is in hard soluble form. Experimental farm is in zone of sufficient moisture (hydrothermal coefficient – 1,3 – 1.4). Growing technology (except experimental ones) is typical for zone. Seeding – 4 million similar seeds. Research area – 100 m 2 , accounting - 50 m 2 . Repeating – 4-time. Statistical analysis was made with MSExcel according to methods written in works of Dospehov B. Results and their analysis. Expedience pre-processing seeds operating was proved 300 years ago. As scientists of Institute of Grain Farming NAAS of Ukraine noticed, at the beginning of 17 th cen. sowing seeds soaked in salt sea water contribute less plant shock disease In our researches for pre-processing incrustation of seeds were used: Biolan – product of nature origin. Active substance Emistil C, has high content analogues phytohormones, polyunsaturated fatty acids responsible for producing volatile and chelated forms of biogenic trace elements (20 ml per 1 ton seeds), Biosyl - improved analogue of plant growth regulators - Agrostimulin. This integrated regulator of natural origin, synthetic phytohormones nutrients and microorganisms (20 mL per 1 ton of seeds), Vermistim - liquid organic fertilizer obtained after vermykultyvuvannya a worm waste product after processing their organic waste. In komplesi organic and mineral preparation - humates, fulvic acids, strains of beneficial soil microorganisms, ristrehulyuyuchi matter of macro - and micronutrients, vitamins, fitoharmony - all that is needed for germination and early growth. For detection efficient method of using these preparates also used spraying plants in tillering phase by Biolan (20 ml/g) and Vermistim (8 liters per hectare). After a phenological observation we can say that plants of barley spring develope better with using growth stimulator Vermistim. Data in table 1 show that thanks to pre-processing incrustation with Biolan, Biosyl, Vermistim, yield of Helios sort grow, in accordance, on 2.3, 5.7 and 8.0 %, and Comandor sort – on 4.5, 7.7 and 6.6 %. Plant spraying in fertility phase by experimental preparates gave bigger access of seeds: Helios – on 4.5, 7.7 and 9.2 %, Comandor – on 4.5, 10.6 and 11.6 %. Mixed using of these preparates (incrustation + spraying in fertility phase) gave additional yield growth of barley spring on 0.46, 0,67 and 0.82 tones per hectare in comparison with control group. Received raises are allowances, mathematically proved. Conclusion and perspectives. In our research the most efficient growth stimulator was Vermistim, using which in pre-processing seeds incrustation yield growth of barley spring was: Helios – 8%, Comandor – 6.6% Above root feeding by Vermistim in fertility phase gave better harvest growth – till 9.2 and 11.6 %. For reaching maximum harvest should use mixed plant growth stimulators: in pre-processing seed incrustation and above root feeding in fertility phase. In perspective, It is desirable to make researches with using of growth stimulators in other phases of growth and progress of plants.

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