
Abstract. Amid the aggravation of the geopolitical situation due to the situation around Ukraine, many international pharmaceutical companies announced the suspension of further investments in the Russian economy. There are not only political, but mainly economic reasons for this. In modern conditions, foreign investors do not see the point of deploying their business in Russia: to build factories, open new production lines, etc., because it is not possible to calculate and understand when their investments will be able to pay off. In addition to curtailing investment programs, due to the sanctions policy, clinical trials in Russia are suspended, which threatens that new drugs from foreign manufacturers will not be able to be registered in the country. The situation is not simple with the supply of standard samples from Europe and the USA to the country, used to determine compliance with the quality of medicines. Standard samples are not attributed to medicines, but to chemical industry goods, so they can get on the sanctions list. In addition, a number of European companies that previously supplied high-tech equipment, spare parts and components for the pharmaceutical industry to Russia have abruptly suspended their deliveries. Due to this, the domestic pharmaceutical sector faces a difficult task to independently solve issues related to the development of new medicines, their clinical trials and registration, the creation of a full-fledged production of standard samples for quality control of manufactured products, as well as the organization of the launch of production and the search for alternative suppliers of pharmaceutical equipment from India and China.

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