
The article is devoted to topical issues of innovation development of industrial enterprises in Ivano-Frankivsk region. An analysis of their innovation activity, which is characterized by indicators of implemented innovations, quantitative indicators of innovative products and the volume of their sales. It was also analyzed that the number of operating entities in Ivano-Frankivsk region tended to decrease, as well as the number of innovative enterprises. It is noted that in the vast majority of innovative enterprises of the region made investments in internal research and development, purchase of machinery, equipment and software, other investments, as well as insignificant investments in the acquisition of other external knowledge. Investments in external research were very small, while domestic research and investment in other areas were slightly higher, but had an uneven trend. The largest share of investments was the purchase of machinery, equipment and software. The main indicators of innovation activity of industrial enterprises of Ivano-Frankivsk region are analyzed. It is determined that the main source of funding for innovation is the own funds of enterprises, and the most significant expenditures on innovation activities were made by enterprises for the production of chemicals and chemical products. The interregional innovation activity of enterprises in the regions of Ukraine is studied. Positive dynamics in the region are enterprises that implement new technological processes in production. The number of new or significantly low-waste resource-saving processes introduced into production has a steady upward trend throughout the study period. The main factors hindering the development of investment and innovation activities in the region are instability dependence on organizational changes at the governmental level; lack of competitive advantages in attracting foreign investment due to high tax rates; low purchasing power of the population and the factor of public distrust; increased competition from foreign manufacturers and insufficient competence of specialists to ensure the success of investment and innovation activities.

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