
The thirty-year history of the formation and development of the institution of bankruptcy in Russia is characterized by complex processes of transformation of the structure of its state regulation bodies. However, in practice, the institution of bankruptcy has not proven itself as an effective mechanism for regulating market relations, demonstrating an extremely low level of return on the implementation of bankruptcy procedures: if in 2015, 6.3 kopecks (6,3%) were returned to creditors from one ruble of monetary claims, then in 2021 this figure dropped to 3.5 kopecks (3,5%), which actualizes the need for further improvement of the organizational unit of the insolvency institution based on rethinking its reform experience. The purpose of this study is to identify and systematize the stages of development of the activities of a specialized state body on bankruptcy issues in the historical retrospective of the dynamic improvement of bankruptcy legislation and changes in approaches in the context of administrative reforms in the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, a periodization of the reform and identification of models of the organizational component of the system of state management of bankruptcy processes was carried out: from a centralized model with limited independence of a specialized bankruptcy authority (September 1993 - February 1998) with further strengthening of independence and expansion of its powers (March 1998 - February 2004) and the transition to a decentralized model of state bankruptcy management, when diverse functions were transferred to various state authorities in accordance with their competence, and the function of the authorized body was transferred to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. At the present stage, there is a tendency to strengthen the organizational block for ensuring bankruptcy procedures within the Federal Tax Service of Russia. From the standpoint of the synthesis of theoretical approaches, the results of judicial practice and international experience, it was concluded that the role of the authorized body in bankruptcy cases is growing, the constructive position of which contributes not only to protecting state interests, but also to increasing the efficiency of the implementation of bankruptcy procedures, reducing criminalization bankruptcies, judicial errors in the consideration of disputes in bankruptcy proceedings.

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