
It is important to disseminate positive information about the specialist in general and the psychologist-practitioner in particular within the information society. It is important for a psychologist to be a competent specialist, to have a good reputation, and to have the traits of an entrepreneur to be successful in the services market. Also, the psychologist should take care of a positive image, a vivid image in the minds of others. In the concept of the image, the word image has lost its original meaning - close to perfect, it has acquired a new meaning - fake, untrue. The image has a practical purpose - to win the sympathy of customers and it is different from the artistic image. The artistic image spreads aesthetic ideas and ideals, and it also enriches people spiritually. Mythological image is used for image, it contains fiction about the real. Such a component of the mental structure as the collective unconscious is inherent in the mass consciousness and can perceive the fantastic as real. Image is required for two participants in communication: business wants to have the sympathy of audiences, society needs myths. A glamorous image is successful for specialists of the modern services market. It creates the illusion of a rich lifestyle and prosperity even when the whole world suffering from a crisis. Glamorous image is in demand because there are enough people in society who are passionate about glamorous values. The most effective can be an image that reproduces the real features of a highly qualified psychologist-practitioner.

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