
The objective of this work is to enhance national Radiation safety standards (NRB) and Basic Health Rules for Radiation Safety (OSPORB). 
 This article discusses proposals how to amend new versions of the fundamental regulatory documents – national NRB and OSPORB as regards the interpretation of the term “limit of the annual effective dose of manmade individual exposure” and the health physics limiting the content of artificial radionuclides in solid materials for their unrestricted use. 
 In current Radiation Safety Standards, NRB-99/2009 (paragraph 3.1.5.), in contrast to the Federal Law of 09.01.1996 No 3-FZ “On the Public Radiation Protection” and provisions of draft International Basic Safety Standards, annual effective dose means gross effective dose of external and internal exposure, received for the calendar year. The article describes the situation where the doses of a conditional worker do not exceed the dose limits in a single calendar year, i.e. < 50 mSv, however, for any arbitrarily taken time interval equal to one year, the annual dose limit of 50 mSv is repeatedly exceeded. Therefore, the following amendment is proposed to be made in new version of the NRB: “Annual effective dose means the sum of the effective external dose received for any arbitrarily taken time interval equal to one year and the ambient effective internal dose due to the intake of radionuclides in the body over the same period”.
 In current Basic Health Rules for Radiation Safety, OSPORB 99/2010, Annex 3 “The Specific Activities of Artificial Radionuclides, at which Unrestricted Use of Materials is Permitted” does not include the uranium isotopes 234U, 235U and 238U; this contradicts paragraph 5.2.10 of OSPORB-99/2010, according to which these isotopes should be attributed to manmade radiation sources. 
 The article justifies the expediency of establishing the upper value of the specific activity of 1 Bq/g for the main uranium radionuclides in solid materials in case of their unlimited use. 
 The supplement of Appendix 3 is proposed to the new version of the OSPORB with uranium isotopes 234U, 235U, 238U, setting the standard for their specific activity of 1 Bq/g in solid materials for unlimited use.

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