
In the article the organizational and methodological bases of strategic planning of communicative activity in public administration bodies are researched. The stages of development and implementation of the communication strategy of the bodies of justice are determined, the basic scientific approaches to the definition of the content and structure of the communication strategy are analyzed. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches, an optimal maximum term for which a communication strategy has to be drawn up is determined. The authors formulate their own definition of the communication strategy of public authorities, identify the main features of communication strategy as an instrument of public relations management of the public administration, point out the shortcomings of the modern process of forming communication strategies in the Ukrainian judicial system. The paper gives an overview of the process of creating a communication strategy of the court as a complex of administrative operations (planning, regulation, control, etc.). The authors note that one of the main features of the communication strategy is the target audience and identifies the most important groups of the public for the justice body – with the attention of researchers focused on the external target audience, which is a priority for solving the tasks of the communication strategy. The article expresses the opinion on the need to unify the communication strategy of the bodies of public administration at the legislative level, which should contribute to a more efficient management process and increase the level of competitiveness of the authorities in the information field of the state. Researchers identify channels of communication with the public administration, which need to be foreseen in the communication strategy, and emphasize the importance of identifying the tools of direct communication (defined in the Concept of Direct Public Relations) in the strategic communications plans of the judiciary. The use of direct link tools enables transparency and openness of the authority and transforms its strategic objectives into cognitive structures of the public. The article emphasizes that modern communication strategies of the justice system often do not describe the main indicators of achievement of goals, but only an abstract description of the expected results, which is a formal and ineffective approach to solving strategic problems. The authors draw attention to the necessity of obligatory indication in the communication strategies of indicators for assessing the achievement of goals that must be expressed in quantitative and / or qualitative indicators. The article suggests benchmark indicators for measuring the achievement of communicative goals for public authorities.

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