
Using the example of the capitals of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Republic of Tatarstan, the linguistic attitudes of parents and children from national schools in the context of the ecology shift are revealed. A theoretical approach to the study of language installation is proposed, based on its understanding as the sum of cognitive, affective and conative components and on the idea of ecology of its shift in generational and regional aspects. The conducted sociolinguistic survey of “fathers and children” and interviews with experts from Kazan and Yakutsk showed a consistent combination of attitudes of participants in national education in Russian and Yakut / Tatar languages. The dissonance of the linguistic attitudes of the participants in national education is the practice of using Russian and national languages in various public spheres. Therefore, the actualized conative component of the language attitudes of parents from national schools, who seek to compensate for their desire to preserve their native language at the expense of such institutions, looks quite natural. The ecology of the shift in language attitudes is characterized by differences between the older and younger generations, between regions and can develop at the intersection of generational and regional factors, which was found in the cognitive and affective components.

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