
Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Currently in Ukraine there is a constant demand for the formation and implementation of public policy on the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, because the rapid development of public relations in the field of and of the occupied territories requires prompt response and harmonization of regulations to create conditions for cooperation links between the population living in uncontrolled territories, internally displaced persons and public authorities. Public communication policy as a tool for of such territories into the single political, legal and information space of Ukraine and integration of citizens at a new place of residence in our country should become an integral part of the public policy on temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The public communication policy of of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine during the whole period of Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine was not systemic, it did not find its proper recognition at the national level, which led to loss of contact with Ukrainian citizens in difficult and dangerous conditions. occupation. In addition, the lack of inadequate attention to research leads to the fact that the vast majority of statesmen do not adequately recognize the importance of state communication policy for the process of deoccupation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to determine the need to develop a public communication policy for the of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine as part of the public policy on the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the process of their and reintegration. Main material. The article defines the role of communication in the processes of and of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Factors that indicate the need to develop and implement state communication policy in Ukraine as a tool for are studied. It is a question of strengthening of communicative support of policy of reintegration, overcoming of fragmentation of public opinion of the population of Ukraine concerning prospects of reintegration, averting of risks for integrity of the state. Conclusions. Based on the study, it was determined that the concept of deoccupation of the temporarily occupied territories has no legal basis, which complicates the understanding of the public policy mechanisms in this direction. Therefore, an attempt is made to determine its essence by a philological approach. Approaches to the concept of reintegration are generalized and it is proposed to distinguish two aspects of this process, namely the territorial and a-territorial context. The article shows three main areas of communication policy for the temporarily occupied territories: communication policy in the context of deoccupation; territorial and a-territorial reintegration. The main principles on which the Communicative strategy of and of the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts should be developed and implemented are defined, namely: legislative delimitation of basic concepts; coordination of mechanisms and subjects of and reintegration; defining the national format and own model of communication policy; coordination of the mediating authority; creation of an effective information and communication infrastructure; ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens. Therefore, communication policy in the context of and of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine needs to be approved at the appropriate state level, which proves the need to form its own strategy, taking into account the work of other states and the ethnopolitical conflict. Key words: state policy, communication, communicative policy, reintegration, deoccupation, temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

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