
Since the 1950s, the US leadership has pursued a purposeful policy of encouraging the creation of startups by inventors. This process took the form of technology transfer from science to the real sector of the economy, contributed to the market introduction of technologically sophisticatedinnovative products, moving up the value-added ladder, creating new jobs, accelerating the endogenization of economic development. The evolution of mechanisms of state influence on the development of startups in the United States is shown. It is substantiated that at the initial stage the policy measures were aimed at promoting the development of the industry and reducing dependence on technology imports; the creation of startups accelerated the development of scientific achievements in the production, resulting from the increase in the 1940s of funding for R&D defense universities; contributed to the employment of highly qualified professionals, including immigrants. Today, with a well-developed industry with a high absorption capacity for innovation, the country's leadership sets economic and technological priorities to solve problems and reap the benefits of American companies; based on these priorities contributes to the formation of human resources (including, as before, by attracting skilled immigrants), identifies areas of research and financially promotes the creation of startups in priority areas. It is shown that the US leadership has created the appropriate legal and institutional framework that has accelerated the commercialization of startup developments, and opened the public procurement market for them. It is substantiated that the central element of the state policy of encouraging innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine should be the development of technology-oriented startups (TOS), aimed at creating products, processes, services based on their own developments. It is recommended to create basic documents: the draft Law on technology-oriented startups and the draft Strategy for the development of technology-oriented startups in the interests of innovative development of Ukraine's economy. It is shown that in determining the conceptual foundations and provisions of these documents it is necessary to take into account endogenous barriers and exogenous threats that today complicate the development of TOS in Ukraine.

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