
The subject of the article is the literary heritage of the outstanding Russian artist Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin (1861–1939): memoirs, stories, and letters at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. The article represents an attempt to supplement the studies of the artist’s work, drawing attention to his literary heritage. It reveals the broad socio-cultural context of the works under analysis, as well as a wide range of problems that had an impact on Korovin’s life. The emphasis in the article is on issues directly related to the development of artistic culture. In this regard, within the view of the author are the philosophical and psychological reasons for turning to the genre of memoirs as an important component of the functioning of the artistic and cultural space. The author analyses how in his literary works Korovin constantly addressed himself to the questions of the nature and essence of art, its inexplicable mysteries, the meaning and purpose of the creative process. The article deals with such concepts as artistry, intuition, the inherent value of beauty and artistic creativity. It is emphasized that for Korovin, as well as for many of his like-minded friends, the intuitive characteristics of art and artistic inspiration did not mean abandoning the issues of skill, careful study and accurate knowledge of the depicted subject. In this regard, discussions about the creation of musical and theatrical images by the artists’ contemporary, the outstanding singer Fyodor Chaliapin, which are contained in Korovin’s memoirs, are of particular importance. It is significant that Korovin combines reflections on the essence of art with descriptions of the everyday life in prerevolutionary Russia. The artist pays particular attention to events related to the social and cultural crisis against which his work unfolded. A special place in the article is given to the artist’s attempts to comprehend the complex social processes of the early 20th century, and the relevance of addressing the issue for the development of modern culture.

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