
When a denture with plate is applied to recover the stomatognathic functions for prosthetic treatment, the plate can be a factor which causes new functional failures. However, the failures are often reduced or disappear gradually with time. This study was made to investigate how the failures of phonation and mastication caused by the experimental palatal plate (anterior/posterior plate) are reduced or disappear as days go by and the study was made in terms of the “fluctuation” of the standard deviations of speech time duration and chewing path. It was concluded that both standard deviations increased after insertion of the palatal plate but as time passed they approached those before insertion. The larger value (0.77) of the first canonical correlation coefficients obtained from the canonical correlation analysis between both standard deviations fall once after insertion of the plate, but as time passed the value for the anterior plates approached it before insertion at 14 days after insertion, the value for the posterior plates did not.

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