
The article considers an information analytical decision support system for solving agricultural problems. The theoretical basis is the methodology of Bayesian Intelligent Measurements (BII). The object of modeling and management is a community of energy herbs, in particular, the eastern goat or eastern galega. The community model, consisting of models of individual types of energy herbs, served as the basis for creating a system for monitoring and managing the cultivation and use of these plants. The implementation of monitoring and control algorithms is carried out by means of the Infoanalytic computer platform. Detailed modeling of such plant species as rapeseed, alfalfa, hogweed, corn, flax, Eastern goat and others has been carried out. Recommendations on indicators for monitoring the condition of plants at all stages of crop cultivation are given. Dynamic models reflecting the development of plants are constructed, Analytical dependences of the dynamics of plant health indicators are obtained. Special attention is paid to the eastern galega culture as one of the most promising types of fodder and energy herbs. Practical recommendations and examples of the use of the BII system for the districts of the Tver region are given.

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