
Introduction. Energy is a strategically important industry, the smooth and efficient operation of all spheres of the domestic economy depends on its safe and stable functioning. Problem Statement. The energy system of Ukraine provides the economy not only for its country, but also for the countries of the European Union. However, as a result of a full-scale Russian aggression and massive missile attacks, the systematic supply of electricity in certain locations, which took place during peacetime, is being destroyed. Purpose. To conduct the assessment of the energy system of Ukraine before the invasion and destruction due to Russian aggression, to identify the advantages of using blockchain in the energy and climate sectors to restore energy capacities. Methods. General scientific methods, statistical and economic methods of analysis, comparison, and graphic methods are used. Results. Attention is focused on the role of the energy system in the economy of Ukraine. Changes in the domestic energy system and its synchronization with the harmonized EU network are indicated. The reasons for the decrease in demand for electricity after the full-scale Russian invasion have been revealed. Factors indicating a long period of restoration of the power system have been identified. The structure of generation in Ukraine is given and its component capacities are outlined. TPPs of Ukraine and the possibility of importing lignite and hard coal from Europe to ensure their operation are characterized. Emphasis is placed on the development of renewable energy sources in Ukraine. Conclusions. It has been proven that the restoration of the power system must be carried out taking into account the latest IT technologies using the digital ecosystem. Among many digital technologies, blockchain will help support and optimize evidence-based decision-making in the areas of climate and sustainable energy. Blockchain solutions for the energy transition confirm that this technology has a high potential to be used as the “distributed engine” of the energy community, pointing to it as a tool that will radically change the energy sector.

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