
Introduction. For today in normatively-legal acts, scientifically-methodical developments, scientific sources absent description of mechanisms of organization of scientific researches in interests of higher military educational establishments (HMEE), that does not allow to provide quality of researches and efficiency of realization of their results in HMEE.Purpose: to identify and systematize the ways and measures for improving research in the interests of universities of higher soldiery educational establishments.Methods: qualitative description, critical analysis of existing approaches to the organization of scientific research, abstracting, idealization and formalization during the definition of ways and measures to improve the organization of scientific research in the interests of HMEE. Results. For the increase of efficiency of scientific researches in interests of HMEE, assistance to providing of quality of functioning of all subjects of scientific activity, that is brought over next ways and events offer to their realization:1) realization and providing of educational process differentiation of directions (subjects) of the scientific providing (scientific researches) of educational activity of HMEE. It offers to organize scientific researches from the problems of organization, providing and researches the process of educational; 2) improvement of mechanisms (determination of features) of organization of scientific researches which are conducted on the order of HMEE. For upgrading scientific researches in interests of educational activity of HMEE it is expedient to conduct measures to on: individualizations (personalisations) of researches scientifically pedagogical workers; introductions of criteria, which determine quality of scientific research; the use of possibilities of scientific research is in command post exercises;3) upgrading of introduction of results of scientific researches is in educational activity of HMEE. It is for this purpose offered: to bring over the research workers of scientific subsections to realization of employments after a subject, that probed by them; to provide introduction of mechanisms of motivation as a result of scientific and scientific and technical activity; to work out and to introduce the system of realization of results of scientific researches Originality. The mechanisms of organization of scientific researches are improved in interests of HSEE, introduction of that will allow to provide quality of researches and efficiency of realization of their results in HSEE.Conclusion. The approaches expounded in the article it is expedient to examine as tendencies and prospects of development of the system of organization of scientific researches in interests of HSEE.

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