
Present paper aims to draw attention to the potential problem of the concept of body and culture, subsisting from the emergence of modern European physical education theory to the coming of P. de Coubertin's Olympism, in the realm of the French history of pedagogical philosophy, and to represent it as an origin of theoretical problem that our Society has been confronting with. The outline of discussion is as follows: 1. The education in the period of the Ancien regime looked Health or Physical performance as Moral profiles of particular beings. Body is attributed to private-ness. 2. On arrival of the Enlightment, Body, amalgamated with the Performance culture in the Ancien regime education, is conceived as the Physical, and it is the beginning of a peculiar type of theory for educating the Physical. 3. The Physical grasped by new pedagogy becomes not only a blank depriving the Body of its given traditional bases of Performance culture, but also a functional spot of the physics' time axis. 4. Guts Muths' pedagogy grappled with above conceptual problem of compatibility of the Physical as nature with the culture. His way of thinking provides our Society of Physical Education with the prototype. 5. Attempting to build up a practical moral science by rigid method of physical training and by codification of motorics, Amoros' pedagogy suffered from dilemma of "funambulism" which persisted between the highest exploitation of physical functions and the formation of moral conduct. 6. In the modem education theory, the problem of the Performance culture was requested retrospectively to the ancient Greek culture, while there were no alternatives during 19th century. 7. Looking for the deepest entity of the Physical, and deeply influenced by the philosophical trends of the 20th century, the New physical education theories came up to investigate the monistic totality of the non-intellectuals in the Physical, whereas it becomes more and more difficult to apprehend the humanity going over the scientifism and the philosophism. 8. P. de Coubertin's Olympism challenges to restore the Physical to the humanistic culture. He wrote a civilization history of 'sport instinct', on the other hand, he intended to describe psycho-motor representation tied the muscle up the awareness in order to identify proper live time axis of body with overarching historical time axis. This would be considered, however, as aggravation of the theoretical problem of modem education of the Physical and the Culture.

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