
The study considers the current trends in the politi-cal culture development. The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that, introduced in the 18th century, the concept of political culture began to be studied in essence only from the middle of the 20th century, so there is a need for a more in-depth study of this aspect, of modern cultural studies and phi-losophy of politics, the relationship between politi-cal culture and the laws of development of certain processes in society, methods of their recognition. It is noted that the political culture reflects the system of state life, the living organization of society, which means that the relatively rapid development of sci-entific knowledge, the theory of knowledge be-comes increasingly important in the study of politi-cal culture. The author draws attention to the fact that the analysis of knowledge problems in political culture leads to an understanding of the object and subject, the essence and foundations of political knowledge in general, to an understanding of the laws of its development within the modern scientific picture of the world. It is shown that when develop-ing methodological problems of political culture research, it should be considered in three scientific sections: as a system of knowledge, as an element of the spiritual culture of society, and as a special form of activity. The author draws attention to the fact that political culture has a huge spiritual and material potential, primarily in education, socio-economic and other spheres.

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