
This article is devoted to the study of sound levels for noise from a gas turbine plant and technological equipment of a compressor station in everyday operation, in order to assess the sustainability of the conditions of sanitary protection zones around the compressor station and in order to protect the population living near the compressor station. The main purpose of the study is to assess the compliance of the sizes of sanitary protection zones in terms of noise load on environment. The main source of noise at compressor gas-pumping stations is determined by the noise regime at the industrial site, in addition to auxiliary equipment; include gas-pumping devices, systems of technological gas discharge from the blower circuits, fuel and starting gas of gas-pumping devices. The dependence of the noise conditions at the production site and in the environment on the sound power level of gas-pumping apparatuses, the installed power of gas-turbine plants, the sound power of the turbocompressor, service life of gas-pumping apparatuses, the number of simultaneously operating gas-pumping apparatuses, the characteristics of production premises, the design of the gas-pumping apparatuses, the state of means of noise absorption of gas-pumping apparatuses. In gas turbine installations of compressor stations, intense noise occurs in the air intake and exhaust systems, in the cooling system fan, in the turbomachine housing and in the generator. To calculate the sound levels at a separate point, depending on the distance to the noise source, a model was used taking into account the effects of sound wave propagation in atmospheric air and the characteristics of the noise source, such as: directivity and spectral characteristics of radiation, the height of the source above the surface; distance from the source to the point of determining the sound level; absorption of sound in atmospheric air, depends on the frequency and parameters of the state of the atmosphere; the effect of the influence of the earth; weather effects and others. The methodology of the standard and the international method CONCAW were used based on the results of calculating sound levels at the border of the sanitary protection zone at the compressor station. The calculation results, for standard atmospheric conditions, according to the international CONCAW method indicate that at a distance of 700 m from the sound source, the sound propagation will be 50.0 dBA, which coincides with the calculation results using the standard method and also exceeds the night noise standard by 5 dBA for conditions in the residential area. Development even when only one gas compressor is in operation, which proves the relevance of studying the environmental risks of compressor stations. KEY WORDS: NOISE, ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS, NOISE SOURCE, COMPRESSOR STATIONS, GAS PUMPING UNIT, GAS PUMPING APPARATUS, SOUND.

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