
We studied the Draft Bills of Tokyo City Building Ordinance, planned by members of A.I.J. since 1906, and generalized the drafting process and characteristics of these structural regulations. We also studied the Draft Bills of Tokyo Prefecture Building Regulations planned in the Metropolitan Police Department and Dairen City Building Regulations, in the same age. And we considered how each of them influenced the Urban Building Law Enforcement Regulations promulgated in 1919. We point out the results of our study as follows : 1) Dr. Toshikata Sano, who planned these Draft Bills and the Enforcement Regulations, adopted the many earthquake-proof regulations based on his idea in these regulations. 2) Because American companies had brought the mistaken curtain wall system of iron frames, that is enclosure wall system, into Japan, there were a lot of damage in Tokyo by the earthquake in 1923. Dr. Sano planned a provision that prohibited this system in the first Draft Bill of Tokyo City Building Ordinance, but it was deleted later. Therefore we can consider that the above-mentioned damage results from the deletion of the provision. 3) Although Dr. Sano had already published the Seismic Scale, he didn't draft a provision concerning this scale. A provision of wind pressure wasn't adopted into Enforcement Regulations. 4) The Urban Building Law Enforcement Regulations are more similar to the Draft. Bills of Tokyo Prefecture Building Regulations than the one of Tokyo City Building Ordinance. Dairen City Building Regulations were only influenced by the Draft Bills of Tokyo City Building Ordinance.

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