
논문투고일:2013년 07월 26일 논문수정완료일:2013년 11월 20일 논문게재확정일:2013년 11월 25일 * 고려대학교 경영학과 박사과정 ** 고려대학교 경영학과 교수, 교신저자 *** Bang College of Business KIMEP University 교수 The aim of this study is to find the model that best explains members’ continued use intention in virtual communities by comparing technical and social perspectives applied in IS context. With the eight major variables identified from prior studies, four alternative models were formulated:1) A base model from Information Systems (IS) continuance perspective, 2) IS continuance model with technology-acceptance perspective, 3) IS continuance model with social-capital perspective, and 4) IS continuance model with socio-technical combined perspective. The adequacies of these four models with different perspective highlighted were tested using survey data collected from virtual community users in Korea. The findings indicated that the IS continuance model and social-capital perspective is the most efficient model that best explains the members’ continued use intention in virtual communities. Keyword:Virtual Community, Continued Use Intention, Information Systems Continuance Model, Social Capital Theory 韓國IT서비스學會誌 第12卷 第4號 2013年 12月, pp.399-422

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