
The work of Leo Bakst-graphic artist relates to the aesthetic position of the magazine «World of Art»: the search and free expression of «pure beauty» in the individual style of the artist. The master’s magazine graphics in all its forms – screensavers, endings, stamp, cover, title pages and frontispiece, combining elements of ancient, Asian and Christian art, are mainly plot-based; illustrating the accompanying text, Bakst designs the magazine page as a strictly perfect work of «pure art». In a single plotless screensaver, the space of the sheet is formed decoratively by the play of a thin and expressive line, symmetry, rigor of composition and elegant inscription. In theatrical and decorative screensavers, as well as title pages and frontispieces, there is strict structural stylistics of conventional theatricality and «pure» architectural and sculptural forms. At the same time, the individual style of Bakst graphics is also characterized by sensuality, which is clearly manifested in the openness, expressive prostration of the nudity of models of a number of graphic works. In some graphic works, the plot takes on an emblematic character that requires solving – this is the frontispiece of 9th volume made in the form of a triangle and the same image is like the ending of 10th volume of the magazine: the location of a massive light spot from the center to the sharp corners represents three vectors of the path: the path of the magazine, new art, the path of the artist-creator. The structure and image of L. Bakst’s magazine graphics are strictly harmonious and sensual.

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