
In this article, the influence of independent assessment institutions on ensuring the quality of higher education and increasing the competitiveness of institutions of higher education are considered and analyzed. The activities of independent quality assurance agencies aim to improve the quality of higher education, since independent evaluation, as opposed to the state, which usually performs a control function, aims to promote the development of the education and active development, and encourage the continuous improvement of the quality of educational programs.Independent rating agencies carry out their activities at the invitation of a higher educational institution, the goal is to identify shortcomings and provide recommendations for their elimination to improve the quality of student training. In this way, educational institutions receive an independent assessment of their educational programs, receive recommendations for their improvement, increase their competitiveness in the market of educational services, and publicly declare themselves to adhere to the quality standards of educational services. Activities of independent evaluation institutions should be based on the following principles: independence from state authorities; the only requirements for quality assessment in the areas of training; objectivity and competence of the activity; credibility and openness to performance.On the basis of the analysis, it was determined that it would be inept to develop and implement the procedure and procedures for the operation of independent assessment institutions; to develop and implement an accreditation procedure by independent institutions for the assessment and quality assurance of higher education; encourage the entry of national agencies into international quality assurance associations; to develop the normative legal acts regulating the procedure and procedures of work of experts; develop educational and methodological recommendations for conducting a training program for experts. Promotion of the development of independent evaluation institutions should become a strategic direction in the transformation of the higher education system, since, with the introduction of their activities, they will improve the quality of education, the competitiveness of institutions of higher education, which will give an opportunity to reach the international level.

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