
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present methodological principles for moral instructional activity based on L. S. Vygotsky’s theory.
 Methods: By analyzing the literature on Vygotsky’s developmental theory, it revealed its educational significance and its intrinsic relationship with moral instructional activity. Moreover, paying attention to Vygotsky’s defectology, which has not received much attention to-date, assisted in the exploration of the methodological principles of instructional activity.
 Results: According to the study, Vygotsky’s defectology became an important base for seeking the methodological principles of moral instructional activity. The idea of ‘the developmental axis of defect-overcompensation’ he proposed shows that the principle can be summarized as ‘opposition’. Through opposition, students experience qualitative change, which can be said to indicate a phenomenon of learning.
 Conclusion: According to Vygotsky’s defectology, the teacher’s task should be to provide students with the experience of ‘opposition’. The reason why this experience does not end with a pure interruptionis because of the mental power of ‘overcompensation’ and its dynamic movement toward the ideal of life and education. Teachers must constantly respect that mental power and need to recognize thatit is revealed and established by ‘defect’.

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