
The purpose of our study is the influence of new recipes for feed additives made on the basis of local resources on the biochemical parameters of the blood of dairy cows of the Simmental breed in the conditions of Yakutia. Research objectives: 1) study the chemical composition of new recipes for feed additives produced from local resources; 2) determination of the influence of the new formulation of feed additives from local resources on the biochemical parameters of blood in dairy cows of the Simmental breed. The scientific and economic experience lasted 238 days: from February 4 to September 29, 2019. Were formed 3 samples of dairy cows, 10 heads each on the principle of analogues in breed, age and average live weight. The keeping of animals in each of the groups of the three samples was identical; in the winter season, the keeping was carried out in a milk reproducer on a tethered housing. The animals were fed twice a day. During the entire scientific and economic experience in the stall period, the experimental animals of all groups received a balanced diet in accordance with a detailed feeding system. The ration of the animals consisted of 10.0 kg of mixed grass hay, 18.0 kg of oat silage, and 2 kg of mixed feed. The difference in feeding consisted in the fact that the cows of the 1st experimental group with the economic ration received recipe No. 1, consisting of: barley "Tammy" - 27%, oats "Pokrovsky" - 35%, dry brewer's grain - 32%, zeolite - hongurin - 2%, probiotic drug "Hongurinobact" - 2%, mineral premix "Megamix" - 1%, lysine - 1%. The cows of the 2nd experimental group received recipe No. 2, consisting of: from barley "Tammi" - 31%, oats "Pokrovsky" - 25%, brewer's grains - 38%, zeolite-hongurin - 2%, probiotic preparation "Khongurinobakt" - 2%, mineral premix "Megamix" - 1%, lysine - 1%. It is important to note that an increase in the composition of amino acids was observed in the cows of the II-experimental group. At the initial stage of the experiment, the blood lysine content increased by 5.22 mg /% compared to the control and by 5.79 mg /% with the II-experimental group, methionine by 19.67 mg /% and by 10.02 mg /% respectively. The same tendency was observed for the rest of the composition of amino acids and at the final stage of the experiment. The listed indicators confirm the fact of optimizing the feed rations of Simmental cows in terms of the content of vitamins of groups A and C through the use of the formulation of protein-vitamin-mineral feed additives, which has a positive effect on the hematopoietic function of animals. Thus, the content of vitamins A and C at the beginning of the experiment was lower. At the stage of completion of the experiment, these indicators reached the norm. A similar picture was observed for the content of phosphorus, magnesium, iron, chlorine, potassium and sodium. There was no significant difference in the content of magnesium, chlorine, potassium, sodium and iron in the blood serum of the compared groups of experimental animals. The latter statement corresponds to the physiological norm for a given species and age of animals.

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