
The purpose of the study is to analyze the degrees of transposition of substantive word forms into the inter-parts-ofspeech semantic-syntactic category of introductory-modal units in the context of combined modalization and adverbialization. The relevance of the work is due to the ever-increasing influence of the subjective-modal factor in the language, the need to study syncretic structures that make it possible to comprehensively assess the content and form of what is communicated. The novelty of the approach lies in the use of the method of indexing the degrees of linguistic units transposition, which makes it possible to minimize the factor of subjectivity in assessing transitional phenomena. The work also used general scientific and general linguistic, special methods of the analysis (comparison, generalization; descriptive method, oppositional analysis; elements of component, distributive and transformational analysis). The focus is on word forms such as «truth» and «fact», demonstrating in the function of modal circumstances a different degree of convergence with interacting nouns, adverbs and introductory modal words in their structure. A study of the degrees of their adverbialization and modalization has shown that such formations synthesize differential characteristics of nouns, adverbs and introductory-modal units in various proportions and combinatorics. Used interpositively in the syncretic context of adverbialization and modalization, syncretes of the «truth» type show 17 % compliance of their differential features with the features of the original noun, 89 % compliance with the features of adverbs in the function of a modal circumstance (“really”) and 20 % compliance with the features of nuclear from adjective introductory-modal units («of course»). The results of the study can be used in the further research into thefacts of transitivity and syncretism in the system of parts of speech and inter-parts-of-speech divisions of introductory modal words and predicatives using the indexing method.

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