
 The article deals with the technological features of manufacturing of lightweight cements of dry building mixtures with mineral additives. The technology of obtaining mortars from dry mixtures should take into account the fact that the processes of hydration of cement binder occur with insufficient water. Therefore, the possibility of obtaining lightweight dry mixtures based on Portland cement and mineral additives with the use of foaming additives is investigated. The use of a complex of technological operations allows you to obtain mixtures for the installation of warm floors, which are characterized by stable technological and physical and mechanical properties, as well as the simplicity and economy of manufacturing technology. Effective mixtures of porous structure have been obtained from for the warm floors on the basis of conventional dense (heavy) fillers and fillers, such as quartz sand, clay, carbonate sand, ash-removal of thermal power plants. The technological scheme of factory production of dry mixtures has been obtained while saving the binder component.


  • The article deals with the technological features of manufacturing

  • The technology of obtaining mortars from dry mixtures should take into account the fact that the processes

  • of hydration of cement binder occur with insufficient water

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The article deals with the technological features of manufacturing of lightweight cements of dry building mixtures with mineral additives. Проте такий метод має кілька суттєвих недоліків, що пов’язано з природою тверднення і структуроутворення цементного каменю в сухих будівельних сумішах, складністю забезпечення стабільності високопористої структури розчину, поверхневих міжфразових явищ у поризованих (особливо піноутворючими добавками) сумішах, мінералогічним і гранулометричним складом СБС, що являються багатокомпонентними системами, а також впливом технологічних особливостей виробництва СБС та технології приготування розчинової суміші із розроблених СБС в умовах будівельного майданчику [11, 13, 14].

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