
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 自然保护区居民福祉的历时性——以陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区为例 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201811072415 作者: 作者单位: 西安交通大学,西安交通大学人文学院,北京联合大学旅游学院,环境保护部环境规划院,环境保护部环境规划院;环境保护部环境规划院 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31470518);中央高校基本科研业务费专项科研项目(SK2018048) Diachronic study on the residents' well-being in natural reserves: a case study of Foping National Nature Reserve, China Author: Affiliation: Xi’an Jiaotong University,,,Chinese Academy for Environmental planning, Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:生态系统管理的一个重要挑战是在区域尺度上管理生态系统服务并提高当地居民福祉。选择陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区居民福祉进行历时性研究。构建了不同于较大范围和行政区域尺度的福祉指标测量体系,包括了主、客观福祉和千年生态系统评估下的人类福祉,然后对保护区居民从1995经2005至2015年的主、客观福祉和人类福祉指标进行了定量评估和特征刻画。历时数据结果表明:总体上看,保护区居民福祉有明显提升,2005-2015年阶段比1995-2005年阶段的增幅更多;居民主、客观福祉在各方面有了明显提升;人类福祉在基本生活与服务、安全、选择和行动的自由等方面有显著提高,健康方面有显著下滑。通过回归分析的结果表明:受访者居住地与保护区的距离等部分人口特征对提升居民主、客观福祉和人类福祉有着显著的积极影响。结合陕西省佛坪县实际情况,针对如何提升保护区居民福祉,提出了巩固生态系统服务成果、经济发展共建共享、社区共管助力旅游开发、提升教育水平促进旅游就业等建议。 Abstract:An important challenge for the ecosystem management is to manage ecosystem services on a local scale and improve the residents' well-being. In this paper, we use survey data and conduct the diachronic study of the well-being of the residents in Foping National Nature Reserve. First, we construct three item index to measure multiple dimensions of subjective well-being, which consists of subjective, objective, and human well-being based on the millennium ecosystem assessment(MA) framework. Next, we describe and evaluate these three well-being index across three time points ranging from 1995 to 2015. The results show that the residents' overall well-being has been significantly improved, and greater increase observed from 2005 to 2015 than those from 1995 to 2005. Both subjective and objective well-being has been improved. Human well-being such as basic life and service, safety, freedom of choice and action, increased, though the self-rated health status has declined. Regression analysis indicates that the distance to the nature reserve has positive effects on the residents' subjective, objective, and human well-being. Finally, based on the actual situation in Foping County of Shanxi Province, suggestions are provided to improve local residents' well-being, such as consolidating the achievements of ecosystem service, promoting shared economic development, co-management and scientific development, and strengthening ecological civilization education. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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