
Purpose. During the research to identify problems and prospects of legal regulation of cyber security in the conditions of hybrid war and to make on this basis scientifically substantiated proposals to the national security legislation of Ukraine. Methods. The methodological basis of the research is the system of general scientific and special methods of cognition, namely, formal-logical method, logical-semantic method and method of modeling. Results. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of providing cyber security in the conditions of hybrid war. After studying and analyzing the scientific research of many leading scientists in the field of administrative, constitutional and other related branches of law on cyber security issues and public policy, it is ascertained that state policy in the field of national security (cyber security) is a higher integrated element of internal and foreign Ukraine. and is a system of goals, as well as a set of principles, norms, directions and forms of activity of public authorities in the sphere of providing tion of national security (cyber security) and sustainable socio-economic development. The National Security Strategy of Ukraine, which has a national character and identifies threats to the national security (cyber security) of the state, of which the aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine is a priority in the present difficult for the state administration system, is characterized. Conclusions. There is a need to introduce a system of measures, including: overcoming the declarative nature of legislation and reducing the gap between legislation and law enforcement activities in the cyber sphere, clarification of cyber security threats to Ukraine, as well as the creation of new institutions such as the National Cyber Security Coordination Center, rules of conduct in the Internet space. The article proves that some of the shortcomings and framework nature of the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine reduce the effectiveness and limit its scope, determine the wrong direction of the development of legislation in the cybernetic sphere and make confusion in the process of its application. The article concludes that in order to properly ensure cyber security, it would be advisable to create an appropriate system of legal relations, which, in turn, is impossible without reviewing the categorical apparatus, the doctrinal and conceptual foundations of legislation in the information field.

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