
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.人的尊嚴概念是一個包含多重含義的概念。其首要含義是作為一個整體的人類所具有的尊嚴。人類整體的尊嚴的來源是人類物種特有的本質,其道德要求在於維護人類本質並促進其發展。在生命倫理研究中,人的尊嚴概念常被視為同人權、自主相似的概念,甚至被認為可以被人權和自主的概念所替換。通過分析作為一個整體的人類所具有的尊嚴及其道德要求,可以論證,人的尊嚴不等同於人權,其更重要的角色是人權的基礎;人的尊嚴也不等同於自主,尊重人的尊嚴在很多情境下要求我們對自主行為進行限制。面對當代科學技術發展帶來的倫理挑戰,人類整體的尊嚴將在生命倫理研究中發揮更重要的作 用。Human dignity is a concept with multiple dimensions. Its primary dimension should be the dignity of the human species as a whole. The basis of the dignity of the human species rests on certain essential characteristics of the species, and the moral demand of the dignity of the human species is to maintain and promote these characteristics. In bioethical research, human dignity has often been equated with human rights or autonomy. Some people have even suggested that the concept of human dignity can be replaced with the concept of human rights or autonomy. However, the analysis of the dignity of the human species and its moral demand shows that human dignity cannot be equated to human rights or autonomy. Instead, it is the basis for human rights and requires restrictions on autonomous behaviors in certain situations. In the face of the ethical challenges posed by new technologies, the dignity of the human species will play a more crucial role in bioethical research.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 52 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.


  • Human dignity is a concept with multiple dimensions

  • The basis of the dignity of the human species rests on certain essential characteristics of the species, and the moral demand of the dignity of the human species is to maintain and promote these characteristics

  • Human dignity has often been equated with human rights or autonomy

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Human dignity is a concept with multiple dimensions. Its primary dimension should be the dignity of the human species as a whole. Human dignity has often been equated with human rights or autonomy. Some people have even suggested that the concept of human dignity can be replaced with the concept of human rights or autonomy. The analysis of the dignity of the human species and its moral demand shows that human dignity cannot be equated to human rights or autonomy.

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