
Introduction. Analysis of the foreign experience of the organisation and reformation of the armed forces in other countries, with the respective systems of military education being an integral part, reveals the specific national aspect of such activities in each country. In the meantime, there are some general methodological approaches used in military pedagogic practice across different countries of the world to be practicably considered and applied. The creative use of international experience in officer personnel training abroad becomes of particular relevance in the context of the implementation of NATO standards in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.Purpose. To carry out the analysis of the current state of the military education system of the Czech Republic for integrating the experience of officer training in the course of further reformation of the national military education system. Methods. The system of the general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical research, in particular, the theoretical-methodological analysis of the problem and the relevant scholarly resources, systematization and generalization of the scientific information pertaining to the essence and content of the set objectives, monitoring of the existing system of military specialists training in the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic. Results. The experience of officer training for the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic was considered. The following were analyzed: a network of military educational institutions, their subordination and governing bodies; organizational basis for the functioning of the military education system; the structure of military educational institutions and their main tasks. The process of officer training for different armed services was analyzed. Originality. The article was the first to comprehensively analyse the transformation of the officer training system for the armed forces of Czech Republic to the current models of military specialists training adopted in NATO member states.Conclusion. The existing military education system in Czech Republic has successfully underwent the period of transformation of the armed forces towards meeting NATO standards, building on the experience of military specialists training in the developed member states of the alliance and considering the peculiarities of the national educational system. The dynamic processes that are taking place during the reform of the military education system in the Czech Republic indicate that its development strategy implies multistage and continuity in gaining and improving education throughout the military service of an officer.

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