
The article discusses the features of the interaction between two varieties of the Adyghe (Circassian) folk epic, archaic legends about the mythical heroic Narts and cycles of historical and heroic songs and legends. as an example, a song is considered, which, in its poetic organization and musical texture, represents the phenomenon of the historical and heroic epic, but with the theme and nomenclature of characters is directly related to the cycles of Nart legends. In this regard, it is customary to attribute this work to the category of borderline ones that arose at the stage of completion of the greatest productivity of archaic cycles and the promotion of works of the historicalheroic variety of the epic to the fore. Attention is drawn to the facts of the reverse influence of the poetics and style of the younger epic on the structure of the genre formation typologically preceding it. It is established that this happens not at the stage of formation of the poetics of the younger epic, but as a result of a more complex process – the joint productive functioning of various genres of folklore, but on the condition that one of the phenomena occupies a dominant position and acquires the ability to influence genres and genres adjacent to it. varieties.

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