
The article deals with the fundamental development directions of futurism studying in Russian poetry in the D. Chizhevsky’s scientific heritage. The author determined the methodological significance of the futurism analysis initiated by the Ukrainian scientist just as organic and valuable artistic phenomenon in the history of Russian literature. His research «On the poetry of Russian futurism» (New York, 1963) was published on the contrary to the total silencing of the avant-garde in the USSR and its almost complete erasure from the historical map of the development of literature. The scientist connects there a number of distinguishing tenden- cies of the futuristic poetics with the preceding stage (the literature of symbolism), and predicts the appearance of studies of this aspect of literary continuity. Author of this article analyses works of similar subjects that have replenished science at the late twentieth – early twenty- first centuries (Bobrinskaya, Kling). D. Chizhevsky pays the most attention to the peculiarities and innovations of the poetic language of the futurists, defines various ways of word creation in their poetic practice – morphological word forms, innovations, morphemic and phonetic «zaum», violations of grammatical norms. As a specialist in comparative literary studies, he drew attention to the connection between the Russian avant-garde and both the Polish (the Scamander group) and the Czech avant-garde in the works of individual authors (V.Nesval). While studying Russian futurism and in a number of works on baroque literature, D. Chizhevsky traces the diachronic connection of Russian futurism with the baroque tradition, reveals the typological affinity of many events in time distant literatures. The baroque dimension of futuristic poetics clearly observed in the conceptual position of Chizhevsky when it comes about «complexity», the opacity of the poetic language of such artists as Mayakovsky, Pasternak, about lan- guage game, the experiment of an abstruse language, intentional stylistic opacity, and the «incomprehensibility» of futurist texts. The profound idea of outlining diachronic typological processes in various literatures turned out to be quite productive and had further literary development, just as a scheme of the «wave» movement of styles proposed by Chizhevsky in the es- say «Cultural and historical eras». In support of this thesis, in this article it was analyzed a number of philological works of the late twentieth – early twenty-first century, where the analogies between the baroque and avant-garde artistic paradigms were traced. To a large extent, the works of the Ukrainian philologist and culturologist have contributed to the formation of broad historical and literary views on typological processes in various literatures, on the study of the genesis of individual literary phenomena and historical typology in the diachronic aspect.

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