
Summary. Introduction. The article shows that hu-manity is experiencing a global crisis that affects and will probably affect not only our educational system, but also our economics, politics and culture. It is stressed that the education crisis arisen as a result of the unexpected chal-lengesmakes us review andrethink the methods and technologies of the educational process. In these condi-tions, in the society, there is a need to learn this changing reality creatively and flexibly, to rethink ideas and the acquired knowledge. The problem of technologization in the field of higher pedagogical education is shown to be associated with the extensive use of innovations including distance learning technology that increases the motivation of both a teacher and students. Distance learning provides new opportuni-ties for self-expression, encouraging students to work independently and forms an information culture in them, allows them to choose their own rhythm of life, creates the conditions of digital content for educational programmes.However, this learning technology requires more self-organization than traditional one. The purpose of the article is to analyze the organiza-tion of learning process in the conditions of digital content that allows students to learn theoretical material as inde-pendently as possibleand to leave contact time for the latest knowledge, practical tasks, laboratory workshops and subject discussions. The methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison are used in the article. Results. It was investigated that along with the pro-fessional competence of a teacher, there is a creative one. This competence is characterized with an openness to innovations and new technologies at the professional level, flexibility and creative adaptability in the process of interaction with learning subjects. Creative learning activity is found to focus on the for-mation of a creative educational project by a studentbut the main focus of the creative activity is a creative per-sonality having the specific features, qualities and proper-ties. It has been found that teachers organize learning process with higher education students through the GoogleMeet, GoogleDuo, Zoom, JitsiMeet programs and other on-line platforms. In particular, this form of distance learning allows not only to conduct classes, but also to organize other educational activities.Originality. The article proves that the basic tools of individualized learning, laid in a relatively new direction, called “neuropedagogics”, which integrates neuroscience, psychology and pedagogy (didactics) and combines the scientific achievements of modern Brain Sciences. It has been proved that students’ individual work in the digital context regardless of their desire gets andragogic shade. There is a convergence of traditional methods of organiz-ing the educational process with andragogy, formal edu-cation with non-formal.In this context, students also acquire the skills of lifelong learning acting as an idea, principles of learning, quality of the educational process, the condition of formation and development of a man in the modern cultural and educational context.

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