
Theoretical substantiation of the method of organization of tropospheric monitoring by means of unmanned aerial vehicles with means of atmospheric monitoring installed on board as an auxiliary technical element of the method of organization of atmospheric monitoring by automated stations located on the basis of base stations of mobile operators is carried out. The analysis of liquidations of consequences of resonant accidents, and also designs and characteristics of unmanned aerial vehicles used at their liquidation is carried out. Modern types and characteristics of measuring equipment that can be installed on board unmanned aerial vehicles and used in atmospheric monitoring are considered. An algorithm for tropospheric monitoring has been developed, based on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles with state monitoring devices installed on board, for the operation of which the time during which measurements should be performed, as well as the required number and coordinates of concentration measurement points have been determined. Differs from existing solutions to the problem of determining the coordinates of measurement points using genetic algorithms. Also, the developed method of local monitoring of the atmosphere with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with means of monitoring the state of the atmosphere took into account the information delay and determined the time interval during which it is possible to perform measurements. The results obtained in the work are of most interest to the rescue services, which plan to use unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor the state of the atmosphere in emergencies, accompanied by emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

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