
In this article, the authors described in detail the methodology for conducting fire bench tests for the reusable experimental design of a solid propellant (SP) gas generator, specially designed to study the complex laws of heat and mass transfer under conditions of unsteady combustion of SP during operation of the installation and in the after-treatment mode. The developed technique allows us to study the nonlinear dynamics of temperature field changes, fuel and generator gas consumption, as well as its composition. The paper presents the chronology of the research, describes the used measuring equipment. Based on the carried out thermodynamic analysis of working processes in the combustion chamber of the gas generator under study, an algorithm for the optimal determination of its operating characteristics is proposed. The methodology of experimental studies of the thermal state of the design of the TT gas generator is universal and can be successfully used in working out other gas generating solid fuels with various energy characteristics during the optimal design of special technical systems such as solid propellant rocket motors (the approbation of the methodology is given on the example of an experimental design with a rotating nozzle), emergency rescue systems and aircraft engines. The results of studies of the thermal state of the elements of the TT gas generator by thermal imaging are well verified with the readings of temperature field sensors.

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