
The source of competitive advantage in the knowledge economy is the company's hard-to-replicate knowledge assets, their creation, movement, and use in the company. The process of identification, audit and measurement of unique knowledge assets of the company in the formation of its competitive position based on the use of resource and competence approaches is conceptualized in the article. Competitive positioning is determines as a process of forming, maintaining and strengthening the company's competitive position based on the identification, audit and measurement of knowledge assets (their types, localization, carriers and directions of movement), which form key areas of competence of the company and its sustainable competitive advantages. The concept of competitive positioning of the company on the basis of identification and measurement of knowledge assets is presented. The classification of knowledge assets forming the company's competitive position has been formed. Methodical tools for measuring knowledge assets as a source of a company's competitive position are identified. The methodology of identification and measuring of knowledge assets of a company's competitive positioning is based on the application of resource and competence approach, methods of assessing knowledge by criteria of key competence, methods of knowledge classification, assessment of knowledge assets by codification and diffusion criteria. The basis for competitive positioning of the enterprise are knowledge management processes that allow to create incentives to improve the company's ability to innovate, combine sources of knowledge with their needs, create conditions for effective knowledge exchange and assess their contextual effectiveness. The competitive positions of the company on the basis of identification and measurement of assets of knowledge of the enterprise are defined. The competitive advantages and competitive weaknesses of the company in comparison with the competitor are defined. Threshold criteria for interpreting the company's competitive position based on knowledge assets have been determined.

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