
The study is devoted to identifying and describing the features of functional states as a component of the employees psychological safety, as well as occupational safety during fly-in-fly-out regime on an offshore oil platform. The scientific expedition worked in April 2019 during the entire fly-in-fly-out visit on the platform in the Caspian Sea. 50 employees took part, whose average age was 36.17 ± 1.064 years, the average work experience by the fly-in-fly-out method was 7.97 ± 0.839 years. The duration of the rotation period is 14 days. Research methods are: hardware psychophysiological and psychological testing. The first ones were used to assess the state: the level of stress (the AngioScan device), the operator efficiency, the level of the functional state and functional reserves (the Psychophysiologist device). For psychological testing, the color test of M. Lusher and the questionnaire of self-assessment of states «Well-being. Activity. Mood» were selected. Statistical analysis of the research results was performed with the help of descriptive statistics and multidimensional methods using IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 software package. All the employees are divided into two groups according to the individual performance: the first cluster with high performance, the second cluster with reduced performance. As a result of studying the relationship between the efficiency and occupational safety subjective characteristics it was found that employees of the first cluster (with high personal efficiency) are better adapted to the negative environment impact and are characterized by high psychological safety and high occupational safety. Representatives of the second cluster (with reduced personal efficiency) are not satisfied with the work schedule, give higher assessments of hazard of professional situations, but at the same time commit more violations of occupational safety. For these reasons, the employees with reduced efficiency (the second cluster) belong to the risk group, which requires additional measures from the managers to ensure their psychological safety and improve occupational safety at work.

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