
The article presents theoretical and empirical materials devoted to the urgent problem of justification and implementation of the competence approach in pedagogical education. The most important component of the methodology of the competence approach is a reasonable assessment of the degree of formation of the main competencies of professional activity, including pedagogical activity. In addition, the assessment of competencies is also an important component of the teacher certification procedure. Of particular importance in this case there is the self-assessment of competencies: the teacher’s idea of the extent to which he has formed certain competencies. The study of this issue is relevant, first of all, in practical terms. The article presents and interprets the results of a comparative study of reflexive self-assessment of competencies by bachelor-students and teachers. The analysis of modern foreign and domestic approaches to the assessment and selfassessment of professional competencies is given, and their differences are characterized. It is shown, in particular, that individual aspects of pedagogical activity are mainly evaluated abroad, there is no integral characteristic of the teacher’s work, and the criteria for evaluating competencies are not clearly defined. Russian education is characterized by a comprehensive and multi-stage assessment of the teacher’s activity, taking into account the indicators of self-assessment of professional achievements and self-assessment of the formation of professional competencies. An empirical study has established that the self-assessment of competencies by both students and teachers is on average and below average levels. In addition, there is a very pronounced similarity in the self-assessment of competencies by third- and fourthyear undergraduate students. So, they both overestimate the competence in providing the information basis of teaching and competence of area of personal qualities and also have a low opinion of the competence of motivating learners to undertake learning activity. A new scientific fact was obtained and interpreted, which is that, contrary to the traditional opinion: not only students, but also professional teachers have a poorly differentiated view of the structure of their activity. As a result, their self-assessment of the degree of formation of the activity components and, accordingly, the main competencies of pedagogical activity is also poorly differentiated, generalized and in some cases syncretic. Therefore, an important direction for improving the training of student-teachers is the formation of correct and complete ideas about the psychological content and structural organization of their professional activity, as well as its main components.

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