
The article is devoted to word formation as an active modern process of developing the Ukrainian language. Сomplex words (juxtaposed words, composites, abbreviations) were outlined and defined in works by M. T. Chemerisov, M. T. Dolenko, N. Ph. Klimenko, A. M. Nelyuba, O. A. Stishov and others. The purpose of our research is to study word composition as an active modern derivational process in the Ukrainian language. The object of the research is word formation in modern Ukrainian language. The subject of our research is word composition as an active modern derivational process in the Ukrainian language. To reach the aim we had to solve the following problems: to outline complex words (juxtaposed words, composites, abbreviations) as an active modern trend in Ukrainian mass media; to study characteristics of this trend and find out what causes the word formation. Methodology: the descriptive method, the continuous sampling method, the method of morphemic and derivational analysis. Results. The word composition is the main modern trend in derivation development in the Ukrainian language.

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