
The article proves the prospects for the development of information technology in the global market in the most popular directions. To conduct a detailed analysis of the market of information and communication technologies, it was first found out which regulatory framework this market has in the field of informatization, and then a study was made of the state of this market in terms of significant components from the perspective of substantive content and market interaction. In the course of studying the legislative framework, the role of the state was clarified, with the help of legislative acts, it is called upon to regulate the activity of the information and communication technology market and stimulate its development, which will help, firstly, to develop legal conditions for information and communication technology market participants for free access to information and secondly, a legal regulation is formed within the information space that will protect the processes of their functioning from unauthorized people hesitations. The state of the market of information and communication technologies in the framework of macroeconomic indicators from the perspective of substantive content and market interaction has been investigated. It has been established that the Ukrainian market of information and communication technologies is in the phase of active formation and formation, most of which are situational and mainly tactical in the field of the development of the information society. It is substantiated that the development of the market of information and communication technologies so far is taking place at the expense of small enterprises that have insignificant capacities relative to a sufficient amount of intellectual resource potential. The problems that hinder the development of the market of information and communication technologies are given and recommendations are given for further activating the market of information and communication technologies, taking into account the strategic directions of the development of the information society in Ukraine.

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